Supplies: 1 "fun size" or similar package of candy (or anything about this size/shape) and 1 pipe cleaner (chenille stem, if you're feeling fancy!) |
First take your package and pinch it in the middle to resemble a bow. |
Next fold your pipe cleaner in half. |
Place folded pipe cleaner around the pinched section of your package. |
Twist/wrap pipe cleaner around the middle several times. 3 times around ended up producing the best results for me. |
Twist the two pieces of pipe cleaner together at the top to secure around the middle. |
Curl the ends of pipe cleaner around your fingertip to make the antennae. |
Finished product! |
Bowl full of butterflies! |
And who wouldn't want a Valentine from this cutie? |
I would take one just to see those chubby cheeks!! Lol. What a doll she I misty! Cheyenne
Awesome, Valentine, both the treat and Katie.
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