Monday, November 1

Halloween Recap & Day 1 of NaBloPoMo

I think Katie thoroughly enjoyed Halloween this year.  We ended up taking her trick-or-treating around my mom & dad's neighborhood in addition to the visits we made that afternoon/early evening.  She did great!  And wow did she get alot of candy!  And she remembered that candy this morning and I actually had to say to her "No candy, until you eat your breakfast!"  :)

Before heading out for trick-or-treating fun!

Dancing with the ghost at Grandma Sandy's.

Uh...Katie the Red-Nosed Penguin?

So much CANDY!

All Halloweened out!

Also, you'll notice in the left sidebar a badge for something called NaBloPoMo.  This means that for the month of November I'm going to blog here everyday.  I tried this in 2008, but didn't quite make it.  Here's to a better turnout this year!

1 comment:

nichole said...

Gracious, that's a cute costume.